Teach Me Everyday French (精裝) (附CD)
- ISBN(10碼): 1599721015
- ISBN(13碼): 9781599721019
- 作者: Judy Mahoney & Patrick Girouard
- 出版社: Teach Me Tapes
- 出版日期: 2008年08月31日
- 美元 定價:19.95元 二手最低價:$249元
- 已絕版
Bring the French language learning alive with this 32-page brilliantly illustrated book with companion audio CD.
Listen, learn and sing along with classic songs for children in this new dual language format. A perfect place to start exploring the French language with children of all ages.
Judy Mahoney created the original Teach Me Tapes series in 1985 to give her children a tool to start exploring new languages. She has authored 42 books in ten languages of parent and teacher friendly supplemental learning materials including, Teach Me, Teach Me More, and Teach Me Even More with over 1,000,000 books in print.